
Mastering Meetings: Boost Your Confidence and Make an Impact

Whether you’re attending a networking event, meeting with clients, or collaborating with your team, feeling confident can significantly impact the impression you make and the outcomes you can achieve.

Reflecting on my own journey in the corporate world, I remember feeling intimidated by meetings, especially when I was often the only female in the room. The pressure to speak up and contribute felt overwhelming at times.

Eventually with experience, I overcame my doubts and fears. And in addition to my day-to-day consulting role, I was appointed to a position as a non-executive director and board member for another organisation.

Here are some key things I wish I had known earlier in my career:

~ Confidence often stems from preparation. Before any meeting, research the topics to be discussed, and anticipate potential questions or objections. Being well-prepared allows you to contribute to the conversation.

~ Take time to deepen your knowledge and skills related to your role or the topics at hand. When you know your subject matter, it’s easier to speak with more authority and conviction.

~ Confidence isn’t just about speaking; it’s also about body language and listening skills. Practice active listening during meetings by maintaining eye contact, acknowledging others, and asking insightful questions. Not only does this demonstrate your engagement, but it also helps you better understand the discussion and your ability to contribute.

~ Avoid filler words or phrases that undermine your message, such as “um” or “I think” (not easy I know, especially when I listen to myself!).

~ It’s natural to feel nervous before or during meetings, but learning to manage those nerves is key to projecting confidence. Practice deep breathing or visualization techniques to calm your nerves, and remind yourself of your preparation and expertise. I find it helpful to write down my intentions for the meeting and spend a few minutes meditating before it begins.

~ After each meeting, take some time to reflect and celebrate what went well and what you could have done differently. Whether it’s refining your contribution or expanding your knowledge in certain areas, continuous self-reflection and improvement are essential for building lasting confidence.

If like me you don’t are not always comfortable in meetings, feeling confident and making an impact in meetings is achievable with the right mindset, preparation, and practice.


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