
Time to Review, Refine, and Re-energize? How to Reset for Success

This August, I took a complete break from work and social media—a conscious choice that turned out to be a positive, refreshing experience. Stepping away from my day-to-day responsibilities gave me the chance to reset and reflect on both my personal and professional goals.

And now here we are, approaching the end of 2024!

The last few months of the year hold a lot of potential for business success, so now may be the time to review, refine, and re-energize your strategies. Whether you’re trying to hit your financial targets, launch new products or services, or elevate your brand, September presents the perfect opportunity to assess where you are and map out a plan.

Here are a few key areas I focus on when reviewing my goals and intentions, both personally and professionally:

Reflect on Your Achievements and Adjust

Each month, I make it a habit to reflect on what I’ve accomplished, what’s working, and what needs to be improved. This includes taking a close look at my finances and business numbers—analysing cash flow, tracking expenses, and assessing profitability. This monthly review helps me make more informed decisions moving forward and ensures that I’m clear on my priorities and where I need to allocate time and resources.

Capture Marketing and Sales Opportunities

The latter half of the year is full of marketing and sales opportunities due to holidays and seasonal trends. To stay organized and consistent, I jot down ideas for promotions, campaigns, and social media content on Trello Boards. This way, even when life gets busy, I have a plan to follow, making it easier to keep communication consistent.

Focus on Innovation and Creativity

Innovation fuels growth and keeps your business competitive. To stay ahead, I regularly research industry trends and try out new ideas. Whether it’s testing a new tool, exploring a different market, or attending industry events to network and learn, I make a point of seeking out opportunities that can help me grow both personally and professionally.

What new approaches could benefit your business and how you can implement them?

Be Prepared for the Unexpected

As business environments can shift rapidly, being adaptable is essential. Now more than ever, it’s important to remain responsive to external factors and market dynamics. From experience, I know to expect the unexpected and be ready to change my approach when necessary.

Set Clear Goals and Plan Ahead

After reflecting on the past month and considering potential opportunities, I set clear goals for the next month and the remainder of the year. These goals align with my overall business strategy and typically include revenue targets, operational improvements, cost-saving measures, and marketing plans. I also lay out an action plan with specific steps and deadlines. Having this written down keeps me focused and motivated to achieve my objectives.

Celebrate Milestones Along the Way

Most importantly, I celebrate the wins—both big and small. Taking the time to acknowledge and celebrate milestones not only boosts morale but also helps maintain momentum. Whether you’re running a solo business or leading an executive team, celebrations reinforce commitment, motivation, and positivity. It’s these small celebrations that keep us moving forward with energy and enthusiasm.

Here are a few reflective questions I ask myself:

  • What have I achieved, and what can I celebrate?
  • What challenges did I face, and how did I handle them?
  • How much progress did I make toward my long-term projects?
  • Did I use my time effectively, or are there areas where I can improve my productivity?
  • Am I on track with my finances?
  • How well did I take care of my physical and mental health?
  • Do I need to adjust any personal or professional goals?
  • What are my priorities for the next 6 months?

Whether you’re aiming to exceed financial targets, innovate within your industry, or enhance customer satisfaction, taking stock and planning ahead can make all the difference.

Here’s to making the most of the rest of the year!

What’s been adding value…

My weekly veg box delivery! Apparently eating 30 portions of fruit and vegetables a week is good for our health.  Which does sound a lot to me!  But having a box delivered has inspired me to eat a wider range of vegetables and to be more creative with my cooking, helped by Joe Woodhouse’s book ‘Your Daily Veg”, which has a range of delicious recipes based on one core vegetable or a group of vegetables.

My absolute favourite Podcast is “The Rest is History” with Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook.  They are informative and entertaining, and have the ability to bring to life historical events and characters.  I wish this had been available when I was studying history at school!

I was dismayed to learn that PFAS (“a large class of thousands of chemicals that are used in various products but also persist and accumulate in the environment and human body”) are used in hundreds of everyday objects from frying pans to make-up. And dental floss! Unfortunately, these chemicals are hard to avoid and eliminate from our bodies, which means I’ve become much more vigilant about what I buy and consume.  I’ve now switched to Gutology Dental floss which is made from natural ingredients. 



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