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It’s interesting what you can achieve with self-discipline

When I was an employee, I had to get to work on time, meet project deadlines and produce results.   I couldn’t make excuses and not show up, if I wanted to keep my job and get paid.   And yet, when I started working for myself, I noticed how easy it was to avoid taking action, procrastinate and let things drift along!   Especially when I wasn't feeling good enough about my skills and abilities.   Which is why this quote by Warren Buffet resonated with me, “We don’t have to be smarter than the rest; we have to be mo[...]


The Empowered Female Entrepreneur: Group Programme

Although I was excited to leave my corporate role and set up my own business, as a solo business owner I felt very lonely!   I missed having people around me to discuss ideas, engage in daily chats, meet over lunch and go for drinks after work.   So, even though I'm naturally more of an introvert, it became, and continues to be, a priority and focus for me to create and nurture my own community.   I've joined and launched coaching groups, attended programmes and events, organised workshops, and hosted my own networking meetings for[...]


Why I’m raising my standards!

Following a recent review of my goals and objectives, I noticed how I was tolerating and settling for certain things in my life.     This ranged from clutter in the house, poor sleep,distractions, negativity, and anxiety!     None of which supports my vision for my life.     However, it made me realise the importance of standards!     As Tony Robbins says, “If you want to change your life you have to raise your standards.”     Standards can play a big part in our suc[...]


Success is not an action but a habit

At the start of a new year some of us set the intention to start or maintain healthier habits, whether this work or health related.   But familiar routines, commitments and day to day life, can mean we fall back into old patterns!   If this sounds familiar here are a few tips... ~ Habit stacking is an easier way to introduce a new habit over time. This means adding a new habit to an existing habit - eg after brushing my teeth I will do a few stretches in the morning, when I have my morning cup of tea/coffee I will also drink a glass of[...]


How I plan for success

  Do you get excited about new intentions, goals, or resolutions, but then find life takes over and they become harder to sustain?   Having tried lots of methods, I’ve adopted a new approach to planning, which has boosted my productivity (even when unexpected life events have happened along the way), helped minimise distractions and saved me time....   This is a snapshot of what I do...   When I'm in planning mode I like to play music, diffuse uplifting essential oils and start mapping out my intentions, using these journ[...]


How to embrace selling!

How do you feel about selling your products or services? 😉 It may feel uncomfortable for some of us, but it's a skill which is really important; especially in the current economic climate. As well as the practical aspects of promotions and sales, your personal energy and mindset is key. To embrace your inner sales person here are some tips to consider... ~ Be aware of any scarity thoughts and feelings, as others will pick up this energy. To help overcome this, one of my very first mentors recommended establishing a reserve of time, money and cl[...]


10 tips for business success!

Each of us will discover our own path to success, but here are 10 tips for business success that I've learned along the way... 1. Innovation is key for survival in all areas of life 2. The best thing about stepping out of the comfort zone is that’s where things start to happen! 3. Focus on revenue generating ideas. Although the results may not be as immediate as the usual day to day 'busy' activities, the final outcomes are more satisfying. 4. Having the right support around you is essential for health, wealth, happiness and success. 5. Unless you[...]


How to respond to business challenges

All businesses face challenges at some level, no matter what size or industry. But the continuing global events of the past 2.5 years have certainly added to the pressure! Last week I could see I was slipping into scarcity and fear about what might happen next!! However, one of the advantages if you're a solo business owner is that we can change and respond to events, more rapidly than a larger organisation. We can take action to support growth, instead of contracting, by .... ~ Improving the way we market our products and services ~ Increasing o[...]


Living your Personal Brand

Do you know what impression you make in business?  Whether we like it or not we judge and are being judged by others. Which is why it's really important to consider your personal brand as well as your business brand. Developing a personal brand is an engaging and authentic approach to business, helping you raise your profile, increase your confidence and achieve your goals. It's about leveraging your skills, experience, interests and personality and sharing these to help others know more about you and your business. What would you like your personal brand to[...]


How to Make an Impact with Personal Branding

On Thursday 15 September at 11.00 am I'll be hosting a new free virtual class on "How to Make an Impact with Personal Branding! Do you know what impression you make in business? Whether we like it or now we are constantly judging and being judged by others, in the way we show up, the actions we take and the messages we communicate. Personal branding is all about YOU, your experience, your values, your style and your story. Done well it can help you stand out and make a big difference to your business growth. To share this successfully, however, requ[...]