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How to be a magnet for success

  Being successful in business today involves much more than the latest marketing, branding and sales techniques. To get to the next level requires a big shift in energy, mindset and attitude. However, I know that maintaining a positive focus when faced with challenges, disappointments and setbacks can be difficult. Which is why creating the right environment for you and your business will not only help you attract more opportunities but will also see you through any tough times along the way. Here are my top recommendations that will over time shape[...]


Resilience can be developed

  Although we would all love to be stress free, inevitably when running a business we face setbacks, whether at home or work. Some of these might be relatively minor while others are on a much larger scale. Whatever you may be experiencing now or may yet face it’s important to know how to handle problems in a way that helps build strength and most importantly resilience. Resilience is a skill that we can develop as it gives us the capacity to overcome problems and setbacks. It doesn’t mean that we experience things as any less difficult or upsett[...]


5 Steps to Create Irresistible Offers

  One of my favourite quotes by Steve Martin is 'be so good they can't ignore you'. I expect we all aim for this in our work. However, as there are growing numbers of entrepreneurs and small businesses (there is a lot of choice out there!) I'm always thinking about what else will make offers and services even more irresistible to potential clients. Irresistible offers will help you... ~ Stand out from the crowd. Rather than being bland you'll be known for something special ~  Increase the likelihood of referrals as your offer will be remembered mo[...]


Addressing my addictive digital distraction

  Social media has been a great way for me to connect, share and communicate with people around the world and to work with clients who I might never have had the opportunity to meet.  I’m really grateful that this has enabled me to learn more and grow my business internationally.   However I’ve noticed that increasingly I’m becoming more digitally distracted and from conversations with others, it seems I’m not the only one!   There is a definite downside to all this on line activity which is …   ~ Feeling that yo[...]


Feelings and emotions matter

  Do you love books?  I'm running out of space for all of mine!   This year I made the decision to read more literature rather than personal development and business books.   However, I am reading an interesting book at the moment called Women who Brand by Catherine Kupta.   Having a personal brand has become even more important in a world where social media dominates many of our interactions with others.   Being liked counts a lot these days!   One important concept Catherine writes about is 'emotion[...]


The power of routine

    Many of us want to do more, have more and become more.   Yet, I know how frustrating it can be when despite all your desires and intentions it feels like nothing much has changed.  Why is it that some people reach their goals in 6 months while the rest of us take years?   There may be various reasons such as knowledge, experience, connections and confidence.  But there is one simple method that will help you achieve more in less time and that’s ….routine!   Having a routine doesn’t sound very exciting bu[...]


What Clients Want…

  Many business owners pour their heart and soul, and possibly their savings, into creating great products and services for their clients. So to continue to attract and retain clients stay focused on these 5 key areas. Clients want... A relationship with you not just a transaction. They want to know that you are a human face, approachable and accessible and if there is an issue or a problem it will get resolved quickly, without any hassle. Having had an infuriating experience recently when a service provider passed me from person to person I know[...]


When I’m stressed I reach for these…

    Many of us are experiencing increasingly busy and stressful lives leading to overwhelm, worry, anxiety and sleepless nights.   Overtime if stress becomes chronic it can have a negative impact on our health and wellbeing, potentially resulting in tiredness and overwhelm, depression, back pain, fatigue, digestive issues, headaches and more.  If you are a business owner you will know how important it is to look after your health and wellbeing.   Essential oils are an excellent support for effectively reprogramming the stress[...]


10 steps to overcome overwhelm

  "In the developed world, hundreds of millions of us now face the bizarre problem of surfeit. Yet our brains, instincts, and socialized behavior are still geared to an environment of lack. The result? Overwhelm - on an unprecedented scale." Martha Beck As a business owner or solo professional you'll know that there are many things that need your attention... and it's easy to get very distracted, very busy and probably, eventually very exhausted. When you begin to wonder "how will I cope?", then it's time to take steps to overcome the overwhelm.. [...]


How to shift a scarcity mindset

I guarantee that the scarcity mindset will show up in your business at some stage.  It’s a trap that we all fall into and one that stops us moving forward into our full potential.   A scarcity mindset is understandable because it’s usually based around making decisions which will have an impact on the future.  We are worried about ‘How much will this cost?’ ‘Will this work?’ ‘‘There isn’t enough time, money or resource’, ‘Clients won’t pay me what I’m worth’.  I must have experienced them all!   I think many of[...]