
10 tips for business success

Each of us will discover our own path to success but here are 10 tips for business success that I've learned along the way... 1.Innovation is key to survival in all areas of life whether it's technology, fuel or education. Updating or introducing new products and services, keeping things fresh and enticing, will help you grow a client attractive business. 2. In order to provi[...]


Tips on staying organised

With more time at home, I decided to get organised in all areas of my life. Although it's taken a while to set things up it's proving to save time and money now. I highly recommend putting lots of systems in place or if it feels overwhelming to hire a professional organiser. It will create so much more freedom in your life. Here are some of the things I've put in place... Automat[...]


Winter is a season of recovery and preparation

We had a lovely class with Anneliese Wells, BirchwoodYoga, last week on How to Destress your Midlife.  Anneliese shared her knowledge and experience with simple tools we can use to help manage daily stress. I think many of us put so much pressure on ourselves to keep doing stuff, but, as in nature, we have seasons in our lives and our work. Sometimes we just have to know and acce[...]


How to overcome zoom gloom and video fatigue

Have you experienced Zoom Gloom or Video Fatigue, from too much time spent interacting with others virtually? Apparently, it can be quite hard on the brain, as we try to focus on and process lots of information on a screen. As I host virtual classes and speak to friends, family, colleagues and clients on-line here are a few things I've tried to help stay fresh and alert during my[...]