
Is a belief holding you back?

This year my intention is do a lot of work around my beliefs!


As you know business is not just about taking action, but also about managing our energy, thoughts and feelings.


Often when we struggle to reach a goal or make changes in our lives, it’s because we have beliefs which don’t support what we’re trying to achieve.


Because what we believe is what we perceive!


We all have different beliefs based on our family and life experience. As they become so much a part of who we are and how we view the world they can have a big impact on how we live our lives.


If we think we’re not good enough or can’t attract clients, it’s likely we’ll show up in ways which reinforce those inner beliefs.


As changing belief patterns is an important part of my work with my clients, I thought I would share a simple tool I use to start the process of getting unstuck…


~ Write down the belief that no longer serves you


~ What are the feelings associated with this belief?  Frustration, overwhelm, stress?


~ Find evidence contrary to this belief, either your own or others


~ What’s your desired new belief?  What would most support you? You can do this in steps rather than leaping to a belief which seems unrealistic at the moment


~ What would show up with this new belief? How would you feel? It’s important to attach emotion to your belief otherwise it’s just a thought.


~ What next action are you guided to take?


This is a great exercise to do alongside goal/intention setting, as it helps shift your energy and mindset to new possibilities, perspectives and solutions.


I also recommend talking it through with a trusted friend or mentor to gain insights and accountability.


If you would like help to break through limiting thoughts and behaviours, email me here to find out about my 90-minute Business Sessions and One to One Programmes.

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