
It’s interesting what you can achieve with self-discipline

When I was an employee, I had to get to work on time, meet project deadlines and produce results.


I couldn’t make excuses and not show up, if I wanted to keep my job and get paid.


And yet, when I started working for myself, I noticed how easy it was to avoid taking action, procrastinate and let things drift along!


Especially when I wasn’t feeling good enough about my skills and abilities.


Which is why this quote by Warren Buffet resonated with me, “We don’t have to be smarter than the rest; we have to be more disciplined than the rest.”


Self-discipline is a skill which I continue to work on because, frankly, there are days when I have lots of self-sabotaging thoughts.


The difference, now, is that I have a few strategies in place, starting with my mindset and emotions …


By bringing self-awareness to outcomes I want to achieve and any negative thoughts, I can make a conscious effort to change my behaviour.


I do this through meditation, journaling, and self-reflection.


Together with self-care.


Prioritising physical and emotional well-being, helps my creativity, energy, mental clarity, and motivation to take action even on the difficult days.


It’s not always easy, but by embracing more self-discipline in my work and life I’ve experienced …


~ Increased productivity. It’s interesting what you can achieve when you commit to something. By writing in 15-minute intervals for three hours per day, Anthony Trollope published 47 novels, 18 works of non-fiction, 12 short stories, 2 plays, and an assortment of articles and letters!


~ Improved time management, by staying focused and avoiding distractions.


~ Better decision making.


~ Greater resilience through the challenging times. Even Einstein once said, “It’s not that I’m so smart. It’s just that I stay with problems longer.”


~ Enhanced feelings of self-worth, instead of feeling disappointed with myself!


I would love to know how you feel about self-discipline in your business.


From my own experience accountability can make a big difference when I want to make a positive changes, so I ‘ve opened up a few places in my small group Empowered Female Entrepreneur coaching programme.


Contact me here for more details …






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