


Dealing with setbacks and difficult situations

We all respond differently to the challenges and setbacks in our lives and businesses.    Over the years, and especially during the past 10 months, I’ve learned the importance of being resourceful, creative, patient and resilient.   Here are few things which have helped me …   ~ Although not everything is in our control, in our day to day lives we can take action, try out new ideas and different ways of living and working. The way we do business is changing and this can offer opportunities as well.   ~ Set achievab[...]


how to get started with video (or anything else)

Do you use video in your business?   After some resistance I finally started showing up on Facebook with video!   I know many of you are well ahead in this area, but, I had all sorts of excuses – what to say, how to use the technology, what would I look and sound like, I could be doing other things, what if I get negative feedback!    I really had to manage my mindset around this.   However, I faced up to the fact that if I ask my clients to do something then it’s important that I know what’s involved. &nbs[...]


Create a vibrant business to attract more clients

  If you believe that everything is energy then you'll know the importance of creating and maintaining a vibrant business. Being vibrant means being alive and energetic - very client attractive qualities. I see this in the clients I am working with. Many of them are so full of energy, enthusiasm and vitality they are naturally attracting an abundance of clients and opportunities internationally. When you think about the companies, shops, people and experiences that you want to be associated with, you'll see that they work hard on constantly updati[...]


Tips to make your business irresistible

  Do you notice how many businesses are vying for our attention - presents, clothes, services and programmes - every day? It can feel very overwhelming...   However, if you're like me there are certain companies and brands that I prefer above all others. They draw me back time and time again.   In a sense they are irresistible - tempting, desirable, enticing and appealing!   Even though we each have our own personal preferences and reasons when making a purchase, I believe there are some aspects we can adopt and adapt for o[...]


The gift of slowing down

Do you feel that days, weeks and months seem to pass so quickly?  I've barely caught up with September and now it's October!   Last week I spent a few days in Yorkshire exploring the beautiful landscape and this quote by Wayne Dyer really resonated with me ... "Become slower in your journey through life. Practice yoga and meditation if you suffer from 'hurry sickness.' Become more introspective by visiting quiet places such as churches, museums, mountains and lakes. Give yourself permission to read at least one novel a month for pleasure." &n[...]


How to be a magnet for success

  Being successful in business today involves much more than the latest marketing, branding and sales techniques. To get to the next level requires a big shift in energy, mindset and attitude. However, I know that maintaining a positive focus when faced with challenges, disappointments and setbacks can be difficult. Which is why creating the right environment for you and your business will not only help you attract more opportunities but will also see you through any tough times along the way. Here are my top recommendations that will over time shape[...]


Resilience can be developed

  Although we would all love to be stress free, inevitably when running a business we face setbacks, whether at home or work. Some of these might be relatively minor while others are on a much larger scale. Whatever you may be experiencing now or may yet face it’s important to know how to handle problems in a way that helps build strength and most importantly resilience. Resilience is a skill that we can develop as it gives us the capacity to overcome problems and setbacks. It doesn’t mean that we experience things as any less difficult or upsett[...]


The art of dreaming BIG business dreams

  I have yet to meet a business owner or entrepreneur who didn’t start out with a big dream for their business.  Do you recall that sense of excitement and possibility which got you out of bed in the morning and kept you going through all the ups and downs and struggles and triumphs?  You might be experiencing that right now!   Thinking big has the potential to make a difference not only to your life but to the lives of others.  It will encourage and inspire you to begin the process of changing your current situation and creating your futur[...]


Money Mindfullness

  Although money is, essentially, just a medium of exchange, along the way it gets imbued with a whole range of emotions such as guilt, shame, greed, joy and pleasure. Each of these feelings then has a strong negative or positive impact on your financial results. Because whatever you might be experiencing, good or bad, will have a direct impact on the actions you decide to take, whether this is to spend less, invest more or even to do nothing at all. That’s why it’s critical to develop mindfulness around your finances, so that you can make more o[...]


Finding courage in discouragement

  Does this sound familiar?   You've had a great idea, you've started something new.  You have high hopes and expectations - others have made it...   Then, reality sets in.  You get rejections.  You have doubts and concerns.  And your excitement starts to fade.   At this point you may be thinking of giving up and trying something completely different.   And often many of us do...   Discouragement at any stage in your business is entirely natural. But if you can manage your way through these challen[...]